Wednesday, September 14, 2011

all kinds of bad

far too much caffiene and one too many cigarettes. i wanna draw robert crumb with the tar on my lungs. waiting for printime. always on point but not today. what is adele listening to? its making me wanna sleep in the last field on earth. its chilly in here. i have razor burn on my neck and it hurts. save me from things and stuff.

pinhole project is to my satisfaction. repetition. increase of exposures. no solid increments. 12 sec. to 25 to idk.....

next project caress my achey kneecap

Sunday, September 11, 2011


in my hatred for self portraiture, i plan to exit my comfort zone and photograph my face for this project. i feel that the aesthetic of a pinhole photograph will greatly enhance the hideous contortions my face can execute. yay. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

cool pinhole stuff and my camera

the focal length of my pinhole was calculated at being 121.9mm, so awesome. my f number is 3/0.625. woo hoo